By marie0908 - 17/12/2014 05:29 - France - Siros

Today, my 6-year-old son asked me what a "sex toy" was. Not really knowing what to tell him, I said it was a game. He's asked for one for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 448
You deserved it 148

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xxreikoxx 31

I like how the illustrated version of this shows Santa looking rather tipsy. XD

I believe that you deserved that for lying ?

Well.. she wasn't exactly lying. The problem is that she should have said that it was an adult toy so her son understands that it was not a toy for kids.

Just hope that Santa doesn't call the CPA. Of course then they'd investigate him too for always watching kids.

Second year in a row.. Both my parents forgot my birthday

I suggest to tell him " oh why six toys? I buy 4 toys only for you :). he will be more happy to have 4 toys than one sex toy and will forget the sex toy.

You should have said that it was for adults.