By cupcake_butt - 17/10/2011 08:39 - United States

Today, my 28-year-old brother who has been pranking me all my life, put a chocolate cupcake on my chair. I sat on it, with my white dress. On my wedding day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 107
You deserved it 4 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh god.. that sucks.. if i were you.. he would die!!!


Just get back it him. Shove his face into the cake.


jePomme 0

Moral of the story: Always look before you sit.

little_monster21 0

that's incredibly annoying. don't let it ruin your wedding day. your brother has growing up to do.

emwil823 0

I agree with number 7. I'd also beat his ass.

PopRocks14 0

Give a shout out to your brother during the wedding(;

Steps to take for revenge Step 1. Drug your brother with a massive dosage of sleeping pills.(not enough to kill him) Step 2. Find out his Facebook password. Step 3. Hire 2 male strippers, and pay them to "rape" your brother on film. Step 4. Have him post it on his own fb and tag everyone that was at ur wedding. Step 5. Crush up some-more sleeping pills and put them in a class of water on ur brothers nightstand. Step 6. Disable any Internet service at his house and hide his iPhone When he wakes up the next day, the first thing he will do is drink that glass of water, then he will pass out again shortly disabling him front removing the video from his account for at least 48 hours. 48hrs is enough time for information like this to get around the family that it dosnt even matter if he deletes it afterwards.

you sound like an expert in taking revenge! lol xD

marisalee 0

He sounds hot. Like one of those brothers on movies

CabooseWins 0

Put pepper spray in his toilet paper. Or... Shoot him in the ass with a BB gun.