By Anonymous - 10/11/2011 07:06 - United States

Today, it was so cold that I had to put slippers over my slippers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 621
You deserved it 6 078

Same thing different taste


blunttobluntest 12

Heater. Socks. Shoes. Blanket. Hot Shower. I don't understand why you would put a slipper over a slipper.

Okay, agreed with the socks and the blanket, but the effect of hot showers don't really last and maybe the person wants to be a little enviro-friendly or budget-friendly. Or maybe they just can't be bothered getting out the heater - which isn't a defense, but who knows, really.

leadman1989 15

Did you wear a tuggie too? google "tuggie" ;D

ikickgingers 15

Deal with it????? We have all been in the cold.

awesomelikethat 0

This is not a **** my life, it's a miner inconvenience

Minor. But, I suppose that it would be an inconvenience for miners too. :P

armywife0609 4

seriously so want not a big deal and definitely not fml worthy I'm cold to, and I didn't make a fml I put socks on and my slippers back on and

At least you have slippers! Think of all the people in the world suffering, dying from starvation.... And you're complaining about slippers? Really?

#61 your complaining in a comment? there are people starving in africa and instead of doing somthing useful you complain in a COMMENT about how bad this persons fml was u should like a major duche to me..

TahoeFMler 22

How the **** would you know what she does or doesn't do?? Bitching about an asshats comment took 15 seconds and no extra money. With her extra money and time, she may very well volunteer to the starving Africans or even Americans. **** off!

Dude, forget slippers. Knee-high ugg boots are the way to go (not the "fashion" ones, the actual daggy-and-*******-PROUD ones that are reasonably-priced).

dancingqueen5678 1