By inconnue - 18/03/2013 22:34 - France - Lyon

Today, it was my first time with my boyfriend, at his house, in his Dora the Explorer sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 451
You deserved it 63

Top comments

Who doesn't love Dora? She taught me Spanish!

Don't you get it? He wants you to explore & find 'it'. Be adventurous ;)


next thing you know he'll be to dress up like her

MisZ28 5

Is it just me or doesn't the girl look like Dora? So maybe that's why he has Dora sheets lol

Well, I guess you should either learn spanish or dump your BF. Decisions.

Did he have Barney posters on the walls and sesame street pajamas?

Special_Psycho 8

Wow, déja vú (sorry for the misspelling), I saw one FML about this woman who got a new haircut and her son said she looked like Dora. Kinda creepy.

ckyorelse 18

Well it could have been much worse, it could have been Beiber