By Shauna - 10/11/2012 09:02 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my birthday. I finally got the PS3 I've been asking for, for a long time. When I opened the box, I didn't find a PS3, but a bunch of clothes that my mom put in my brother's PS3 box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 025
You deserved it 4 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments


looney_mc 4

Your brother is the favorite. Lol

If your brother has a PS3, why do you need one? It sounds like you live in the same house, otherwise the box wouldn't be there. Keep his in the living room and share. Me and my sister always had to share consoles.

Motherfookers 4

That troll level is OVER 9000!!!!!!

You can't share a ps3 with your brother? YDI

carminecris89 13

I don't know how it's a YDI. There's a good chance the brother might not be willing to share.

Sally2dicks21 8

That's so ****** up. You need a new family. Wanna start one with me? ;)

u should ask for an xbox their better then ps3

JoeLamp 2

You should learn how to spell Xbox fanboy.

sweetmama88 6

Omg probably she was trying to be funny, and I realize it , because I'm a mother too, and the only way you can get back at her , is Christmas is coming and I'm sure you can think of something creative. .

Well, take note of the reactions on here before you decide to be a bitch to your child. Maybe you find it funny but they definitely won't appreciate it. This kind of thing is only funny if you actually do have the PS3 but you just hid it somewhere else and even then, it's still kind of cruel as they still feel that anguish, even if it's only for a few seconds.

PhishloverA 14
skyeyez9 24

It would be even worse if they were all hand me down clothes from your brother.