By Shauna - 10/11/2012 09:02 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my birthday. I finally got the PS3 I've been asking for, for a long time. When I opened the box, I didn't find a PS3, but a bunch of clothes that my mom put in my brother's PS3 box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 025
You deserved it 4 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Karmasabiych 7
XxJessisonfirexX 8

That's just cruel ... Sorry op :(

kiraleann 16

If your brother has one, and he lives with you, why not just play that one? I've never understood why some households feel the need to have multiple of the same video game system for each child they have, except when it comes to the portable ones.

bigturd113 3

Your mom just gave me a great gift idea for my younger siblings

roblaycle 3

Get a job and buy your own ps3. Or get a girlfriend. Those are dinner to play with.

What if OP isn't old enough to get a job? By the way OP is female, so unless she's a lesbian the girlfriend thing won't work out that well.

carminecris89 13
carminecris89 13

171 You shouldn't be grateful just because you got anything at all. It seems kind of desperate. She's also being ****** with. The intent was not to give the daughter a nice gift. If she had simply gotten clothes, op might not feel hurt or disappointed. There's nothing ungrateful about knowing when your being shit on.

Unless your mother put a ps3 in some clothing bags, that's a pretty mean thing to do to someone on their birthday. If your mother couldn't afford it, then she shouldn't have got your hopes up for a laugh.

We do that all the time in my family, but never that low!! Usually it's a blender box!! FYL, OP.