By Shauna - 10/11/2012 09:02 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my birthday. I finally got the PS3 I've been asking for, for a long time. When I opened the box, I didn't find a PS3, but a bunch of clothes that my mom put in my brother's PS3 box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 025
You deserved it 4 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments


loserboii 11

If it's your brothers can't you share?

Depends on the situation. My parents bought me and my bro our own ps3's, but only because he goes to college out of state, and so we could play each other online.

Octain 13

If the brother lived in the house, she should have labeled the PS3 to both kids. Lol

You can't just simply share a playstation, However you use're going to run into that problem where having two comes in handy..

Octain 13

If the family can't afford two, then they can. I'd rather share with my siblings than not have one.

51- Who says the family bought it for the brother?

American kids and their inability to share... :/

Maybe his brother lives away from the family at a university.

well mabie she wants to play diff games than her brother or could be her brothers an ass and keeps his in his room and doesnt let her use it (or posibly her brother tbags her when they play in the same room :p)

Yea sorry about that I'm kinda scatterbrained and didn't see yours until I had already commented.

When I was 11 my dad told me he'd buy me a car for my birthday. Being the gullible person I was, I believed it. Come my birthday, and I get a matchbox car. In other words, I feel your pain.

Looks like she pulled the wool over your eyes... and your dreams of having a PS3. You were shorts-changed, OP! Confront her and collar out on her sadistic behaviour; she got your panties in a twist!

It could be worse. It could be a box filled with silly string.

Maria_Obligacia 14

Work, save money and buy your own.

Lucious306 7

Maybe because you're a girl she figures that you want clothes instead of games

That wasn't a nice move... Just because you're a girl, it doesn't mean you don't like/want video games. If my parents bought me clothes and stuffed it in a console box, I'll probably hide in my room hugging the box.

Go to your brother while he's playing the PS3, unplug it, take it in your arms and run while yelling "THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!"