By birthdaygirl - 16/04/2014 17:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my birthday. The only people who wished me a happy birthday were the ones who saw the "birthday boy" poster my sister plastered around school, which included a photo of me as a kid dressed up as a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 023
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste


couldnt have gotten any worse than that right???

Tessa_11 19

Hey you're my birthday twin! Happy birthday! Mine was also pretty lame :P

Attacksloth 33

Happy birthday. Revenge is pointless unless it's siblings, so this is where you find the most unflattering photograph of her, from any age, and do the exact same thing back. Or, you lock her out of the house and blame it on the cat.

muldrowe 6

Yesterday was my birthday, my sister did the same thing but over Facebook. It's alright, kids are weird.

What?? I think that's so thoughtful and cute!!

Happy belated Birthday. As you get older, you'll realise the best birthday presents are the ones you give yourself. So take a personal day off from school and have some fun.

Everyone has an embarrassing photo. Deal with it. I share mine to my gf and her friends, makes for a good story. Great for breaking the ice with new peeps. You want to be memorable? Becoming the funny guy is a great way to accomplish that task. In fact I had an ex that told me a story of how she shat on the slide of a amusement park when she was like 5 simply because she was having too much fun to stop and go to the bathroom. Her grandfather rushed her to the bathroom and had her do her business. Afterwards he took one look at the bathroom and they got a new hotel. LOL Stuff is funny? Roll with it, have no shame in living life to the fullest. My school has a contest where the male adult teachers and some of the popular students dress up in pink cutesy outfits. They call it the, "sexy legs competition" and the teacher that gets voted sexy legs gets their photo plastered in that year's yearbook. Go with the flow OP, time heals all wounds, but you can speed the process with good old fashioned laughter.