By birthdaygirl - 16/04/2014 17:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my birthday. The only people who wished me a happy birthday were the ones who saw the "birthday boy" poster my sister plastered around school, which included a photo of me as a kid dressed up as a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 023
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste


1jordan1 11

Are you 9? Who cares, just laugh it off. It's not that big of a deal.

Better get planning your revenge OP!

Nathan_h24 17

Yeah but were you a cute girl? Lol I'm just kidding. Kindly let her know she got you, and then tell her you'll return the favor when she least expects it. And then laugh diabolically as you're walking away...

Hey my sister ignores me being her brother and when asked about me she replies with "who?" And that's not just on my birthday but everyday.