By birthdaygirl - 16/04/2014 17:24 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's my birthday. The only people who wished me a happy birthday were the ones who saw the "birthday boy" poster my sister plastered around school, which included a photo of me as a kid dressed up as a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 023
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste


Any publicity is good publicity. Use it to your advantage later

duude989 7

If that were true, calumny wouldn't be upsetting, also, I can't fathom how this could be made advantageous.

Happy nonbirthday OP! *sees poster* Oh lol happy birthday lady.

It was my b-day today to!! Mine wasn't that bad but still, always look on the bright side of life.

Life wouldn't be what it is without conflict and humor... and FML. Keep your head up.

Hey happy birthday! Today's my birthday too!

XxXCrissyXxX 12

Well your sister remembered! :D Happy birthday, and cheer up! look up a bootleg figure called SADER. It'll either give you nightmares or make you laugh till you cry XD

fieldhockey30 1

Wow! Happy Birthday and that sucks!!