By really? - 13/04/2013 09:21 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My family put a bouquet of balloons outside my room for me to find when I woke up. I walked out of my room, saw the balloons, screamed, and fell down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 503
You deserved it 24 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Balloonophobia, that's something you don't see often!

Were there Nicolas Cage faces printed on each one of them?


Don't worry. It happened to me too. Only difference was mine was at 3 in the morning and I pissed myself. Moral of this story: Place balloons accordingly, and not outside someone's door where they may see it when they wake up to go to the bathroom.

Ask for a bunch of flowers next year instead, still a sweet gesture, they could've forgotten your bday completely

Did you scream out of fear or excitement?

Ok, I must admit this FML did indeed make me LOL. the image it brought to mind was hilarious. I am very sorry for the fright that must have caused and the pain that followed,but thank you for the laugh! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

1crabbygirl 10

ha ha, I get it. from the other fml, funny

Did your mom come running, thinking you were the dog?