By Anonymous - 02/01/2015 22:46 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, it's my 40th birthday. I got two presents by mail: a jar of wrinkle cream from a market research company, and an ad from a funeral home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 156
You deserved it 2 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XBurytheCastleX 25

I'm sorry, I slipped and hit YDI. Everything is now ruined. FYL

Wow that's crazy!!! I wonder what you get when you turn 50 ?


really wow 40 isn't even very old you haven't even lived half your life yet i'm only 16 and i still know that lol dumb funeral paper senders

sourgirl101 28

Jennifer Anniston is in her 40's and the spokes person for skin care. Why get insulted? It's free to try! There are lots of women that age ex: Kate Beckinsale, Naomi Watts, Rebecca Romijn to name a few. The earlier you start taking care of your skin, even in your 20/30's the better and younger you can look when you get older.

Well damn that's a rough insult Happy birthday though and 40 isn't that old

Take matters into your own hands, go out to a bar with friends or golfing. Happy birthday!

xluciferx666 21

At least you can be wrinkle free and have a coffin picked out when you die...positive things man positive things

Not the best presents, but better than nothing, I suppose. Anyway, happy birthday!

Parvati48 15

LOL! XD I'm sorry OP that sucks but it's hilarious.

Sounds like a fun afternoon! Keep your head up life can turn quickly.