By luvizwar - 18/09/2009 23:27 - Australia

Today, it is my boyfriend's and my one year anniversary. I bought him a Playstation 2. As soon as I gave it to him, he went straight to set it up without giving me anything. I said "What about me?" He walked over to me, gave me a kiss and said "I love it when you buy me things for no reason." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 336
You deserved it 7 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, not even a 'thankyou'. That's pretty bad.

NotNegativeNews 0

My brother's girlfriend bought him a PS2 last year... because he wanted one. not everyone wants things that are the top of the range, he wanted to play the old games because he enjoyed them.


If i was her boyfriend id of thrown it back at her and dumped her, how disrespectful. We give them the right to vote and this is what they do to us. Maybe females will learn one day.

It's only a dating anniversary, a lot of guys don't value them very much. In future, remind your boyfriend a week or so before, if it is a big deal to you, and if he still forgets, then you can bitch about it.

I think it's rude. Money and presents don't define a good relationship. I don't get anything for my anniversary or valentines because I don't want my boyfriend to waste money on stupid stuff when he could be spending it on rent or school or something useful. Even if he forgets, who cares, you have been together for 365 days woo hoo big ******* deal. The only reason you care is because the greeting card industry wants you to care.

Uh the greeting card industry? Do they even make "one year of dating" anniversaries?

girl take the play station back. and taunt him by using it

tomakobriefs 11

To everyone saying that a PS2 is a crappy gift because a PS3 is the thing to give: A PS2 is a pretty reasonable gift considering most PS3s that are currently being made are NOT backwards compatible. The majority of my video games are for PS1 or PS2, and if my PS2 bit the dust from years of use, I'd be pretty sad because I'd be losing two systems worth of games. A PS3 would be okay, but then I'd have to go and spend the money on new games for PS3 which would be expensive because of how new the system is. To OP: I'm sorry your boyfriend doesn't express gratitude well, so FYL. But also YDI for not reminding him of your anniversary, knowing it was coming up.

skatergirl21 2

hey for all those dickweeds out there that said ydi well mabe she didnt have anoff money to buy a ps3 so piss of i would like to see that happen to u dicks

first off, how is he supposed to remember a one year anniversary for no reason. "oh we've been going out for one year now because i remember the day we first went out." yeah right. and second a PS2? really, how cheap can you be. thats ridiculous. it has to be fake because no guy would be exited about getting a PS2.

He's an ass. Not for forgetting your anniversary, but for assuming you'd buy him a Playstation 2 for no reason. FYL and 94: She's responsible for reminding him of their anniversary?