By luvizwar - 18/09/2009 23:27 - Australia

Today, it is my boyfriend's and my one year anniversary. I bought him a Playstation 2. As soon as I gave it to him, he went straight to set it up without giving me anything. I said "What about me?" He walked over to me, gave me a kiss and said "I love it when you buy me things for no reason." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 336
You deserved it 7 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, not even a 'thankyou'. That's pretty bad.

NotNegativeNews 0

My brother's girlfriend bought him a PS2 last year... because he wanted one. not everyone wants things that are the top of the range, he wanted to play the old games because he enjoyed them.


wow all u ppl worrying about grammar r really gay. and I kno my comment doesn't have correct grammar but Idc it's just a ****** fml post. ain't it?????

I'd say take the Ps 2 back until he remembers it. When a guy forgets his 1st year anniversary, you don't forgive and forget. Make him pay and make him pay HARD!

who said this just happened? maybe the OP just found this site and it triggered this memory.

"How are guys stupid, you stereotypical bitch?" Shut up dude, let the women believe we are stupid that way we get forgiveness for stuff like this cause well we be like all dumb and stuff.

Oh and FYI PS3's are about $700 in Aus, ($600USD). "i suggest you have the decency to check you grammar before posting it." On 09/20/2009 at 4:43am by myaccount1 Hhahahahahahhahaah, mwahhahahahahahahahhahaha, Who is looking like a tool now???

I still don't understand the concept of "dating anniversaries". I mean, I guess they're kind of nice if you both decide beforehand that you would observe them, but short of that I would never expect the guy to remember, I don't remember them, myself. It's not like it's a marriage anniversary or anything. It's nice to get him things for no reason, though, anyway, and just enjoy his appreciation of it.

estrangedrain 0

I really dont think what she gave him is the issue, whether a ps2 or 3. its the fact that he was forgetful, i dont think you deserved. but definately should talk to him. let him know whats going on

YDI for being selfish. Your 1-year “anniversary” is total BS and is in no way mandatory for him to celebrate. You just want him to buy you something. IT’S NOT A HOLIDAY! and you ARE NOT MARRIED – so it’s NOT an anniversary of anything other than some arbitrary day. No guy gives a shit about the day you met, or started dating, or became serious, or had sex or whatever you are labeling the day.

jadeddream 0

"No guy gives a shit about the day you met, or started dating, or became serious, or had sex or whatever you are labeling the day." Uhh, my boyfriend cares about our anniversary (yes, I consider it an anniversary even though we aren't married. We celebrate it yearly, therefor it is an anniversary) more than I do. This past one, he spent nearly 4 months making a present for me. So stop stereotyping about guys, because not all of them are douchebags.