By Light Sleeper - 14/10/2012 04:24 - United States - Evansville

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend trying to initiate sex with me in my sleep. He confessed to thinking that if he did it lightly enough, I'd think I was just dreaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 002
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please inform him that's legally considered to be rape, if you haven't already! Surely most jurisdictions would have it down as so, anyway.

Wow, it wouldn't let me add my comment no matter how many times I submitted. I, out of frustration, put a bunch of dots and hit submit. OF COURSE it submits that one. I accept all thumbs down with full knowledge of the consequence of my actions.


kittycat2007 18

I am apparently one of those rare females who are 100% okay with this situation.

31 I'm with you. Then I realized were both from Austin.. Maybe Austin girls really are weird.

jerrywayne 5

I don't see what the big deal is.. My girlfriend lives it when i wake her up with sex.. It really gets her going and she wakes up in the best mood ever! Men you need to treat your lady like a princess and **** her like a *****! Women don't wanna admit it but most of them want it that way! Mine told me straight up!

perdix 29

#51, it's nice to know that you two are living up to the city's slogan, "Keep Austin Weird." I just got the T-shirt at Tyler's on Guadalupe. I'm happy it expresses a true credo.

Jerrywayne - My wife likes it when I wake her up for some middle-of-the-night hanky panky, but that's NOT what OP's boyfriend was trying to do. Re-read it - he was trying to do it lightly enough so that she didn't wake up.

I agree that it could be viewed that way. However, he still wanted her to "dream" that he was doing it, so it's not like he didn't want the experience to be a good one. (Which rape is not.) If the OP felt he was taking advantage of her sleep stage, then a serious talk about boundaries is in order. I just think this FML is about how her BF wouldn't think she'd wake up and have a great dream vs her feeling like he was raping her.

I highly doubt the boyfriend cared about whether or not it's a great dream because honestly without her awake to guide him what is the likelyhood she'd actually get full on enjoyment from it and not him finishing and leaving her now worked up body with pent up sexual frustration (as a dream might). I personally would have been ok with the situation had the OP's boyfriend been trying to wake her up with sex in a fun kinky fashion. He wasn't though. He was hoping she'd sleep through it and that any bits she might remember he'd be able to pish posh it away as having been a dream. How is that really any different then having sex with anyone who's passed out or on something? Plus what if this was a test run for him. Imagine if he could have had sex with her without he waking up he'd never have to worry about any of those pesky times when she does say no. "Oh she said no? Well I'll just wait tell she's asleep and then she'll just think she was having a wet dream." There is no way what he did is not at least a little bit sketchy. Again If he had been aiming to wake her up, I'd be more or less ok with this situation. Since he wasn't, I say that is sketchy. I am not saying necessarily to dump him, but just maybe be a bit more careful with him.

perdix 29

Yet, if it was the girl trying to initiate sex with the sleeping guy, that would be hot! Double standards can be funny that way.

perdix 29

If they are in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, and they are sleeping together in both senses of the word, it is evident that he finds her hot enough. I'd love to be woken up, or not woken up that way.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Your boyfriend is a creep. I second suggestion #28.

That would be rape. Have the self worth to walk away

ShannonBitt 29

I guess I'm with #31. As long as you've had sex with him before, I don't see much of a problem. I once woke up to my boyfriend's fingers in my ******.

*shrugs* Happens to me all the time. Soft kisses don't usually wake me up, and if they do, I usually slap. hah. But I've woken up several times mid-sex.. just go along with it, homie. If you're gonna snuggle with him at night, and you say "I love you" and you trust him not to hurt you- why are you B*tching about it?

I'm sure that for a few minutes, the OP was in dream stage. Depending on how you view it, wake up sex can be amazing! Only down side is deal with morning dragon breath. Just don't breathe in my face and I won't mind being woken up that way!(:

perdix 29

No silly! I was thinking different Kama sutra positions, not-- ball gags. You really should wear that "Keep Austin Weird" T-shirt more often. :P

Those who say it's "rape" or she should "walk away" must have had no relationships.. Or very boring ones. I've never met a woman who didn't like being woken up by sex (oral, manual, penetration); I for one love it when the woman I'm with wakes me up through a ********/by riding me. I don't see how it can be considered rape.

Because no consent was given. That's good you had woman that liked that. But not everyone is into that. I for one, would not. I think it's somewhat disrespectful. That's just me though.

Technically she was asleep when it started and therefore couldn't give consent. Yes some people are into being woken up to various different sexual things, but that's something you talk about with your partner before you actually do it. That way you know what the other is comfortable with and you don't do something that they wouldn't like when you think that they might.

That's scary.. It does sound like rape..

That's because sex with no given consent is kinda rape.

This is.. odd. Wouldn't putting it in a sleeping body, be generally the same as a dead body? *shudders* x_x Haha just tell him not to do that again, I guess..

Sleeping body = usually warm. Dead - creepily cold and cooling off still. A bit different.