By Scabby - 11/04/2012 09:53 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend pulling off scabs and eating them. My scabs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 488
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I definitely just threw up a little in my mouth..

Wow omg that is even more disgustin than that other FML about a bug in her nose!


that's how you know he loves you.. but still kinda gross.. actually really gross.

Gross! He better get that checked out. It's actually an OCD thing, but still, *shudders*. DX

truegirl21 2

That is different then eating scabs of her! Eating her out and eating her scabs is to different things!!!

mwoodall 1

I was eating a chocolate chip cookie.. The chocolate chip makes me cringe a little now. FYL.

The chocolate chips are angry pustules trying to break out of their cookie batter prison! Mwa, hahahaha!!!

Lol ur funny people don't talk about my spelling I'm not even a preteen yet lol