By Scabby - 11/04/2012 09:53 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend pulling off scabs and eating them. My scabs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 488
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I definitely just threw up a little in my mouth..

Wow omg that is even more disgustin than that other FML about a bug in her nose!


'Might be time for a new boyfriend. I guarantee he's probably got some other abnormalities. 'Sorry.

^ not only can she not spell, she doesn't understand what a joke is either

kayla_ann0o 9

You should of kneed him in the chin

BVBarmyForever 0

That is just sick. I hope you kicked him

Funny how people go past my commet thumb it down.. And thumb 34 up but when they see my comment on that they thumb it up XD

chels1994 11
Trisha_aus 15

Never read an Fml while you are eating. FML

The_creator_fml 2

Today I was eating lunch and read this fml. Fml