By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I woke up to find a tick stuck to my eyelashes. The only way I know of to get it off is with fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 449
You deserved it 6 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MusicXisXii 0

Fire is how you kill them. You can get them off with tweezers. Just make sure you don't leave ANY part of the tick inside of your skin or on your eyelash or whatever.


where the hell do you live that a tick gets stuck to your eyelash ffs

wriptidez 0

do not use fire near your eye that is dangerous

Prick it with a needle and force YOUR vomit into it. That'll show him!

That is an old wive's tale...tweezers work fine. Actually, fire can be dangerous because it can make the tick throw up causing quicker spread of disease. Check your facts lol

Place a pair of jumper cables on your car battery. Grip the black cable firmly in your teeth, and touch the red cable to the tick. I read it on the Internet so I'm sure it will work. Or, you can simply wait for the tick to gorge itself then it will fall off on it's own. It shouldn't take more than a couple weeks. Hope this helps!

melodyscraps 0

Perhaps they have pets that brought them along as stowaways?

a_nicole11 0
Ski_flyir 0

Owch! That's gotta be buzzkill finding something like that on your eyelash.