By anonymous - 31/10/2011 19:11 - United States

Today, I woke up excited to go trick-or-treating, the treat being candy. Instead, my town has officially postponed Halloween due to blackouts. I guess this is where the trick comes in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 427
You deserved it 3 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am completely baffled, how does a city postpone Halloween?


litebluebaby 0

It's cause Connecticut is stupid ! >.<

Me too, who the **** cancels Halloween? I was gonna go as on Eskimo!

theperz217 5

The same damn thing to me in my town. STUPID MOTHER ****** SNOW

My town tried to ban it, but I went anyway, despite almost stepping on a live wire with my friend. Also, they tried to ******* RESHEDULE Halloween to Friday! NO! The only reason im doin it is 4 more candy

rabbinussbaum 0

Quit whining this happened to my town too and it has also happened to so many other houses so shut up and quit crying about it

Yeah, I know how you feel, all my halloween plans were canceled and I just got power back after freezing and being without actual food for almost six days. Happy frekin Halloween. (CT) I guess you guys lost power too? :'( Stupid snow.

seansoccernascar 0

It happened here in New York too. Since I didn't live in that town I was still able to go on the 31st, then a few friends and iwent again on Wednesday. (: