By bTOhno - 13/08/2011 06:37 - United States

Today, I woke up at my girlfriend's house. She was staring at me, holding a knife over my face. She ran away, giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 054
You deserved it 4 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, that's not creepy at all. o.o (Sarcasm)


next thing you know, there will be blood slowly going down the shower drain.......*whistling Psycho theme*

pseudolife 4

She's a psycho! Get out of that relationship ASAP before someone gets hurt. She sounds messed up in the head. If you continue to prolong the relationship she's going to get more attached to you so if you decide to break up with her for one reason or another she may try to physically hurt you or herself.

Stoppajamatime 0

Most probably this was a joke. She probably thought the OP was gonna wake up sooner or later, and she decided to creep him out. She probably meant no physical harm. I highly doubt she's gonna be the next Aileen Wuornos.

I totally agree. While she may have been trying to be funny, she missed the mark by a long shot. Her behavior is not only scary but dangerous. GET OUT NOW!

Stoppajamatime 0

This whole time I imagined her doing a creeper smile and holding a knife above his face. Read again, it said she was staring. But in the end, she giggled. It wasn't like she was stuttering, trying to explain to the OP what was going on. Yes, it was stupid of her to hold the knife OVER his FACE. She could've dropped it and OP should've warned her. The joke could've been done more safely. Like standing by the door with a knife and a creeper smile instead of, as said before, over his face.

Lmao wtf, I've been watching a lot of Dexter lately, soooo RUN !!!!!!!!!!! D:

bizarre_ftw 21

Says the guy with That picture?

jobsman99 0

creepy and weird. be careful. I do hope though she was naked.

Senior29 8

was she just messin with u or did u catch her in the act?

Senior29 8

was she just messin with u or did u catch her in the act?

So? This is how every morning starts. ...Wait, that is normal, right?

Not sure IF that's really An Fml moment. More of a MMT moment. Just sayin'