By RR - 11/07/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, I went with my sister to get our eyebrows waxed. I didn't think my eyebrows were that bad--and they weren't! When the guy waxed my eyebrows, he gestured my lips and said, "Moustache, too?" Mortified, I said, "No!" to which he replied, "Aw, someone no get kissy tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 491
You deserved it 9 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iowagirl1997 0

Ha ha I almost fell off my chair laughing at this!!! Sorry FYL


TryToBeKind 0

and someone get no tip today either

i just dont get one thing why should us girls have to go through pain for all you jerks who are guys who go " oh you have a mushtache ewwwww" and even when the girl doesnt have time, they need to go get it done. You guys have NO idea what we have to go through anyways...shave legs, wax face, was under-arms, OH AND DONT FORGET YOUR ARMS ! O: a guy could dump you for that 8-) this is just sad....some people have to get it done every 3 days, i wanna see a guy do that and spend all that money on that shit :|

"Aw, someone no get kissy tonight." HA HA THAT SOUNDED LIKE MISS SWAN!

blondiee09 0

eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YDI

sasha717 0

they say that to everyone....don't feel bad.

theblondeglory 0

I live in Indiana and that has happened to me before... not that exact line... but similar. Also, I am blonde and hair does not grow wildly on my body or anything. So don't feel too bad.

InstaKarma 0

Ummm yeah that used to happen all the time with my "peach fuzz." Wax your lip and get over yourself.

this guy sounds like a metro freak who shouldn't even be taken seriously

TrueRaiderFan22 0
TrueRaiderFan22 0

#97. we provide for familys and die for our country.