By RR - 11/07/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, I went with my sister to get our eyebrows waxed. I didn't think my eyebrows were that bad--and they weren't! When the guy waxed my eyebrows, he gestured my lips and said, "Moustache, too?" Mortified, I said, "No!" to which he replied, "Aw, someone no get kissy tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 492
You deserved it 9 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iowagirl1997 0

Ha ha I almost fell off my chair laughing at this!!! Sorry FYL


jdawg777 0

Why didnt you get the stache off?

Ha! Sad thing is, he probably shames a lot of women into spending more this way. But if I were you, I'd ask my sister if I had one, and if your sister is anything like mine, she'd delight in telling you if you did!

Sounds like you have a little Sasquatch in you. I'd go for the shave next time.

Hmm... guy lacks a little tact and preofessionalism. Hope you spoke to the manager about that.

Get your moustache waxed. I always laugh at ladies in public that has moustache and beards

VoGuE221 5

If he thought you needed one you should've taken it!

they always say things like that. just ignore it. and they will always want you to get more done so thye say say you have moustache or if your just getting nails done they say you need eyebrows and i you say no theyll say something rude or give you like a slight shake of the head. its so annoying but im sure your fine

HayleyBby 0

Most of the time, they do that to get more money. Don't take it to heart.

i agree with 89+90 He just told you that so you think you need it, so he makes more money. People at salons are always like that.