By jkl54 - 01/04/2009 00:07 - United States

Today, I went with my girlfriend to the mall. We were looking at jewellery in Zales and she came across the engagement rings. She looks at one and says, "Are you kidding me? That ring is hideous and it's the most expensive one here! Who the fuck would buy that?" Well, that would be me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 865
You deserved it 6 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Return and exchange! Choose one she liked! If she has to wear it her whole life it better be something she doesn't think is "hideous".


Monty_Python 0

That sucks dude. FYL. return that thing.

heather_6866 0
Rantie 0

On the bight side you dont have to pay as much

So not a bitch or ungrateful because it isn't like she said it while he was proposing.

planetearth 0

Um, return it? No big deal...

iloveWH 0

that's why you look at jewelry and engagement rings and things of that nature TOGETHER before you buy one.

kellster 2

I hope you can return it! And maybe going jewellery browsing would have been a good idea BEFORE you bought a huge, expensive ring. Not all women are so materialistic that they just want the most expensive thing, you know. Be glad you found someone with substance?

Miss_fml 0

Umm, its pretty common that a girl won't like the ring her fiancee has picked for her. It definitely doesnt mean their relationship "won't last". idiots

Should've said you've gotten that one for her to see her reaction. Materialistic girls ftl.