By Briscuit - 01/06/2012 21:05 - Canada - New Westminster

Today, I went to the hospital for stomach pains, and was told that it sounds like I have an ovarian cyst. My mom went into a rage, screaming that I'd lied to her about being a virgin. Despite the doctor explaining that sexual activity has nothing to do with it, she refuses to believe him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 271
You deserved it 2 001

Briscuit tells us more.

2- My mother did eventually understand you can get it while still being a virgin. She thought the doctor was covering for me so I wouldn't have to tell her I was sexually active. When we got home we looked up articles and I proved it to her. Either way, I'm still going to be in a crap load of pain when these puppies burst if they decide not to remove them...

Top comments

So she believes the doctor's diagnosis but not his explanation? Sorry OP hope your mom comes around soon.

I'm sorry about your mum! Get better soon!


I'm sorry but your mother is a ******* moron. I really hope that your cyst isn't bad enough to need surgery. Best of luck to you!

ThisBeAUsername 6

That shit hurts! That's happened to me before. FYL, OP.

Septemberz_Storm 8
reddudeover 2

Get a new improved mom, smarter, more loving, bakes cookies and washes all the dishes. Now 1/2 of at the mom depot. If only we lived in that world.

conholio33 28

So sorry to hear that OP get well soon

Like the mother from "Carrie". You're bleeding, you must be banging

How do so many women like her know nothing about their own bodies?

Your mom should get educated on the topic. It happens though, my dumb ass brother in law thought my sister had actual herpes when she got shingles and the doctor referred to it as Herpes Zoster virus.

mhopper 13

Next time tell her, "I am a virgin. Anal sex doesn't count!" Would love to see the look on her face after that! :)