By Claire - 29/09/2010 05:59 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach with this boy I like. Not thinking it'd be anything more than a simple date, I didn't shave my downstairs. We were sitting on a towel and I laid down. Then he said, "Is there a squirrel in your pants?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 107
You deserved it 43 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you knew how revealing your swimsuit would be, therefore if you could see more hair than you wanted to be seen, you should have dealt with it. Though if he gets freaked out by something natural, you might want to reconsider his maturity levels. Unless he was just joking.

billywhyte 0

BAHAHA! wait....was there really a squirrel?


so what if you didn't shave. it's natural. it's disgusting that society thinks that it's gross for women to have pubic hair. how many males do you know that shave their balls for a date? or even at all?

damn you got that much hair down there you need to groom down there at least if you dont shave all the time. thats just sick and wrong.

andrewsgirl2010 7

That is awesome! You desevered that...

lmngrl889 14

wow immature of him to comment on. I agree you should keep trimmed, it's pretty much expected of us girls, but if we are gonna do it then men should have to as well. double standards suck.

That's absolutely disgusting. You could probably give that hair to hair donors

xsarax_fml 10

Must there be a date for you to be well groomed? Lol

TDWPForDayz 9

That's soooo embarrassing omg