By Claire - 29/09/2010 05:59 - Australia

Today, I went to the beach with this boy I like. Not thinking it'd be anything more than a simple date, I didn't shave my downstairs. We were sitting on a towel and I laid down. Then he said, "Is there a squirrel in your pants?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 107
You deserved it 43 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you knew how revealing your swimsuit would be, therefore if you could see more hair than you wanted to be seen, you should have dealt with it. Though if he gets freaked out by something natural, you might want to reconsider his maturity levels. Unless he was just joking.

billywhyte 0

BAHAHA! wait....was there really a squirrel?


I don't ever shave down there. But if I'm wearing something that will be giving a good view of the area I make sure its not a freaking forest. YDI for not being smarter

Yur always supposed to,keep that area nice & clean shaven. Wtf is wrong with yu, especially knowing yur ass is going on a date ON THE BEACH!!!

All of you people suck It's their body They don't have to conform to your wishes **** off

justawallflower 27

That reminds me of that one song from Phineas and Ferb.

Red_Curls1995 28

What the hell is with all these people that think pubes are so wrong? For gods sake it's -natural-. I have no idea why everyone is so obsessed with shaving and why so many women on here are you saying you have to shave. Whether or not you shave is your choice. The guy was a douchebag.

I can't believe how many people seem to think it necessary to remove naturally growing hair. Like they prefer their women to look like little girls down there.