By Lootz - 03/05/2009 17:10 - United States

Today, I went to my girlfriend's sorority formal, we were both drunk. We went into the bathroom, she started to give me head. After about 30 seconds the song changes and she jumps up and goes out to dance, leaving me there. Door open. Penis out. It was the song she requested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 376
You deserved it 20 147

Same thing different taste


palmtrees 1

Just shut up, #13. There's no obligation for her to give her bf head just because he wants it. Was it inconsiderate/annoying of her to start and not finish it? Sure. But things happen, especially in the context of a sorority formal, where almost everyone is drunk and things are a little crazy. It obviously doesn't mean he should humiliate/injure her in public to demand that she finish pleasuring him.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#44: If you knew how to read, it says that: BEFORE ANYONE MAKES ASSUMPTIONS. So before anyone assumed they drove there.

hhahaa #13 that is HORRIBLE but i'm laughing...

How does this make her a ***** at all? I think its gross to be hooking up in a bathroom, keep it in your pants. i still vote FYL because she didnt finish what she started and left you here dick out. but w.e get over it she was drunk. i bet you still hooked up that night.

hinder2244 0

oh gosh sorry haha

I clicked both, simply because this is a situation skanks will get themselves into. Getting wasted at a party then retreating to a mere bathroom for head (ignoring what then followed) reeks of no class whatosever, from either of you. If you two were that horny you should have gotten a room.

Agree with #8. But she's not the only hoe.

So? She obviously wasn't getting anything out of it. She's not a *****, but you're both pretty trashy. You even more so because you went home and whined about it online.