By bad boyfriend - 26/03/2010 01:50 - Canada

Today, I went to my girlfriend's house. She had promised me we'd get it on so I couldn't wait. When I got there, I didn't get it on. Instead, I got a list of reasons why I make her depressed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 505
You deserved it 25 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CookiesNOJ 0

think about it.. is that the only way she can get your attention? then you suck!

lovelyred 0

was having a small penis one of them?


thatguy626 0

I hope you listened, never do that stuff again, then you get to sleep with her. it's not rocket science

beavygirl 0

you depress me too, screw u lame-o

redeemer96 3

damn emo bitches can be so annoying sometimes.

damn emo slags:L dump her white ass fool

for those of you who automatically assume that the girl is emo, your fuking ignorant. Human beings have emotional issues, not just emo people. so please do us all a favor and stop acting like ur such fuki hot shots ctin like shit dont hurt you at times -_-

i think the problem isn't so much that he didn't get laid, rather the fact that his gf is as manipulative as to tell him she'll have sex with him and then lay this on him. Pathetic. If he really depresses her, which would be wrong of course, she could've told him without saying he should come over for sex. Unless of course he doesn't come over for anything but sex, which would be enough reason to end the relationship to begin with.

OriginalPooh01 0

Just be quiet and let her read.

kbg8409 0

maybe because ur an asshole and don't treat her right! the fact that all you had to say was that u were disappointed cuz y'all didn't have sex, proves that's all u care about!

Was one of them because you can't stop saying you want to 'get it on'?