By psychic parents, how do they work? :( - 31/07/2013 22:49 - United States - Effingham

Today, I went to my dad, hoping to confess something to him. He quickly said that if I'd got my girlfriend pregnant, he'd kill me. That's exactly what happened. I had to make up a lie instead about stealing $50 from his wallet once as a kid, which he then demanded I pay back in full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 697
You deserved it 47 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

You should just tell him. Deal with the consequences like a man.

Maybe he will accept a new born child in exchange for the fifty dollars..?


thatghostdude 9
thatghostdude 9

50 dollars, the price to pay

because certainly he'll never find out about now! good trickery on your part....

How doe one "have to make up a lie" like that? Not that he'd really kill you, but I guarantee you're probably going to be paying much more than $50 in child support or the cost of raising a child now. YDI

Condoms. Ever heard of them? Take care of this problem while you still have the chance to. The world doesn't need anymore unwanted children.

I don't understand why yall don't use condoms and expect not to get pregnant?