By psychic parents, how do they work? :( - 31/07/2013 22:49 - United States - Effingham

Today, I went to my dad, hoping to confess something to him. He quickly said that if I'd got my girlfriend pregnant, he'd kill me. That's exactly what happened. I had to make up a lie instead about stealing $50 from his wallet once as a kid, which he then demanded I pay back in full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 697
You deserved it 47 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

You should just tell him. Deal with the consequences like a man.

Maybe he will accept a new born child in exchange for the fifty dollars..?


My opinion is that if you were considering yourself to be grown up enough to have sex, then you should be man enough to not lie to your dad about the pregnancy. I mean, you were aware of the risks right? If you've made that decision then you need to be able to face up to it. Edit- didn't realise 105 had made pretty much the same comment. My bad!

tgabes 9

Looks like your PAYING for your crime hehehe.

kaduzy 12

YDI, natch. But it sucks that he made you repay him. You could have used that fifty bucks to help your girlfriend pay for the abortion.

You should tell him and hopefully he's not serious and if he is fight for your life.

Bluelephant88 5

If you were gonna lie you should have said a dollar instead of fifty lol but really you shouldn't have lied anyways cuz its not like you can hide a baby from him

You chicken shit. Just tell him and next time "don't be silly, wrap your willie."

Streetracer15 9

You were silly and didn't protect your willy your fault tell your dad and accepted it like a man

YDI. Assuming you're still a child, next time take some precautions.

tenfiftynine 12

I'd assume he isn't that young considering OP said "When I was a kid..."

Him saying that doesn't mean he's older because when I was sixteen I was saying "when I was a kid" referring to what I considered being a kid which was younger than thirteen.

you know...condoms cost less then $50.