By Anonymous - 13/01/2010 01:39 - United States

Today, I went to meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time. His mother, seconds upon meeting me, gave me a hug, smiled at me, and said: "It's so nice to finally meet you! All I ever hear is 'Emma this', and 'Emma that', 'I love Emma!'. He never stops talking about you!" My name's not Emma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 220
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoprettyinpunkox 0

dump his ass. no questions asked. lol

hope20 0

His mom might of just said the wrong name.... it happens


I think Emma is the ex. He used to talk about her a lot, and then they broke up and he didn't feel like telling the family that he'd gotten dumped or something. He introduced you, later on, not expecting that they'd remember or mention the name. The mom clearly didn't know after all. If it was a secret affair, the most simple thing would be to avoid that sort of thing from happening... so it's quite possible that he's innocent and Emma is the ex.

how does she diserve it? it's not her falt

Personally, I think it was a mistake on his mother's part. She was probably trying to make you feel good by saying how much her son loves you, but slipped up on the name. I can't tell you how many times my mother has done this. Even with my first boyfriend, whom I dated for three and a half years. Near the end of it, my mother still occasionally called him by my father's name. Forgetfulness happens.

hiimme 0
lrv2003 0

how long have u been dating him ??

I once went on a date with his kid and when I was getting picked up my mom called him the same name as my ex because he had the same style hair..Not even the same color!

baker3410 0

wow what a dick. did you proceed to asking who Emma was?

uh, if it's his mother trying to break them up, she should still dump that person cos the mommy'sboy would be a terrible candidate for a partner Can you imagine a woman like this as an in-law? Get out while you can! And it doesn't say anywhere she actually dumped him, we don't really know