By Anonymous - 13/01/2010 01:39 - United States

Today, I went to meet my boyfriend's parents for the first time. His mother, seconds upon meeting me, gave me a hug, smiled at me, and said: "It's so nice to finally meet you! All I ever hear is 'Emma this', and 'Emma that', 'I love Emma!'. He never stops talking about you!" My name's not Emma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 220
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoprettyinpunkox 0

dump his ass. no questions asked. lol

hope20 0

His mom might of just said the wrong name.... it happens


I'd check first to see if maybe she got the name wrong, but yeah, that is suspicious.

bizarre_ftw 21

Mine is ^_^ (along with roughly 2 million other people -__- but hey! I'll take what I can get)

UniqueAnt21 3

That's why I don't do relationships no more. Just date around.

GreyDiaries 10

Ask him in front of his parents who Emma is.

Here's the flip side to that: Today, my mom tried to sabotage the relationship I am in with this awesome girl. She started calling her "Emma" knowing full well that wasn't her name. FML

Unlucky1232 20

few questions 1. what is your name? 2. does she have an memory problems? 3. Does she have hearing problems 4. what did he say? 5. How long until u kicked his ass to the curb?