By StatusSearch - 26/05/2011 23:36 - United States

Today, I went to a restaurant and sat at the last available table, which had a seat available across from me. A cute girl approached and asked if she could sit down, so I said "Sure" and made some room. She then asked "You're leaving, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 380
You deserved it 3 645

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StatusSearch 8

I told her I'd be done in 10 minutes which I was prepared to leave at that time, to which she replied, "Could you make it 5, I'm really hungry." So 10 minutes turned into 50. I must've lost track of time >_>

Top comments

response: normally I like to eat at a restaurant before i leave. How about you?

madalynn 11

aw. maybe she just didn't want to seem like a creep so that's why she asked. but anyway, fyl just for how it must've made you feel.


VinegarStrokes 0

Jesus dude you are WAY too ******* paranoid!! You honestly never go to restaurants alone because you fear this exact situation may occur and you think it's awkward eating alone? God damn... **** YOUR life buddy, this fml was pretty funny and somewhat sad but after reading your comment I feel way worse for you then I do for the OP!

If it was after you had eaten, you should have left her with the bill, and just scooted. ;)

StatusSearch 8

I told her I'd be done in 10 minutes which I was prepared to leave at that time, to which she replied, "Could you make it 5, I'm really hungry." So 10 minutes turned into 50. I must've lost track of time >_>

So, she was a bitch after all, after gearing your reply she could've either eaten with you, or apologise and went away, but instead she asked you to eat faster. She deserved it!

kiraleann 16

Lol, wow. Someone must have really over-inflated that girl's ego at some point if she thought it was acceptable to treat you that way.

Flutist 3

Oh, Op, how lovely! I would have kicked her teeth in but your way is just as nice. :)

I'm glad you didn't give in and leave. Some people really need to learn that they don't get everything they want. I honestly don't know how she even had the nerve to ask something like that.

WinterBlue42 22

I would have told her to go eat someplace else then. I doubt she would be very happy if someone rushed her! FYL.

u should have said step off bitch!!!

laurel415 6

I would have been like " bitch please get the hell out of my table"

Your comment :Who the f___ does she think she is? What a dumb wench.

everyone is assuming that she was a bitch about it! she could of been nice about it but OP just felt dumb or embarrassed. goshh =/

ElDonDavid 0

Read the comments stupid. He said he took over 50 minutes. I Dont care how she said it, there is nothing nice about telling someone to eat within 5 minutes.

It was a guy saying what he would've done stupid. The OP didn't say that.

nevermind my bad. I didn't know that was the OP. OP's rarely respond so I didn't think it was him.

ThatFatGuyBehind 3

Finally and OP that responds to people in his FML and pwns at doing it nice one man

I submitted my own FML, but wasn't able to respond in the comments section (I tried several times), so that may be why most OPs don't respond.