By Anonymous - 09/11/2013 05:17 - United States - Lake Forest

Today, I went on what I thought was a date. After a wonderful night with a perfect gentleman, he told me how excited he is that he's moving in with his girlfriend next week, and thanked me for reassuring him that he doesn't want anyone but her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 331
You deserved it 3 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welp, just cross him off the list. Luckily you only wasted one date with him. It wasn't polite what he did, but at least he didn't lead you on.

Tell his girlfriend you went on a date. It's only fair.


I've had this happen to me but with girls I'm 16 they're the same age and I'm like your gonna split up right after sex and guess what I was right

it's not too bad. you helped someone in love, OP. even if you didn't mean to.

That's a dick move, she can have him.

screw that guy. move on plenty of better guys out there.

yellowzinnias 20

Similar things have happened to me twice. Story 1: I got a call from a guy I'd had a crush on for two years who had just become single. Him: Hey, are you busy Saturday? Me (with butterflies): No, not at all! Why? Him: Well, there is a really great concert downtown. Me: That sounds great! Him: Yeah. Thing is, I just got this puppy and he can't be left alone that long. Since you live near the venue, can I leave him with you while my friends and I are at the concert? Me (stunned silent for 15 whole seconds): My cat is terrified of dogs. No can do, sorry. *click* Story 2: I'd taken a class all summer and had gotten to know this guy and really liked him. On the last day of class, I finally worked up the nerve to ask him if he wanted to get lunch the next day. He said yes, and I floated for the entire time between then and the (spectacularly bad) end of our "date." He picked me up and we were both dressed nicely, he opened doors, he snapped up the check and wouldn't let me pay half when I offered. I was feeling great until a woman walked into the restaurant and hugged him from behind. He introduced her as his girlfriend, who had met up with him to do some shopping after our lunch. Later that evening I got a text that said, "I have a weird feeling that you might have thought lunch today was a date." Me: "Um, yeah...I kinda did." Him: "Oh...awkward. Why?" Me: "You insisted on picking me up...opened my doors...asked questions like you wanted to get to know me...insisted on getting the check..." Him: "Wow. I didn't mean to lead you on, sorry." Me: "Well maybe in the future you might want to consider how you're coming across to women?" Him: "Yeah, totally. I just didn't think I had to worry about you. I mean, you DO know what you look like, right?" Ouch. For the record, I have no idea what that last comment was about. I have yet to be handed a paper bag in public, have never made a child cry and have actually dated some very good-looking guys (including an MLB player). So, just a couple of stories to make you feel better, OP!

Sorry OP :( You'll find that special someone soon

I wonder how his girlfriend would feel if she found out. mad because he went on a date with someone else or happy because he's sure he doesn't wanna be with anyone else?

His girlfriend needs to know what an ass this guy is