By oopsiecoffee - 09/04/2009 06:40 - Canada

Today, I went into a small coffee shop. In line, a guy came up to me and was like "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in town?" and I replied with "Oh, no I've lived here for years. The coffee here is crap, though, so I only come here when Starbucks is full" He's the owner of the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 318
You deserved it 76 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't speak your mind to strangers, then, I guess.

Ninjahippy 0

Meh? At least he got some honest customer feedback.


hawtieeex3 0

not really an FML.. its goood that the owner knows his place is crap.

you actually did him a favour. now he can improve his coffee and get some new customers

LOL #17, you'd pass for a British/European snob much more easily if you spelled Earl Grey correctly...

patray_angel 0

I don't understand why you would pay for and drink their coffee if you think it tastes like crap. Obviously you are addicted to coffee, why not just make your coffee at home and put it into a travel mug. It would definitely save you money and time.

diemoelol 0

Make your own damn coffee. :/

i agree with patray_angel - a thermos flask/travel mug of coffee is a good way to save money because all you have to do is boil some water and buy some coffee grounds at the store. which means you save money over time. although, you DID put your foot in your mouth. and besides, Starbucks is only good for the food in my opinion. and since when was the smallest available coffee called a "tall" coffee? that makes NO sense!

Fair Trade coffee! Starbucks sucks!

i don't think it's bad that you gave him honest feedback.

damn that must be some pretty terrible coffee if it's even worse than starbucks...

u didnt have to be that detailed, lol!!!