By bluehairedfreakgirl - 01/06/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, I was walking down the sidewalk and heard a little girl ask her dad why I had blue hair. He said, "Sometimes drugs will make people do stupid things." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 504
You deserved it 38 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, the dad's an idiot. Nothing at all wrong with blue hair. Crayon coloured hair =/= Drug user

Thats ****** up. I have green hair and I dont do drugs.


haha, same kinda thing happened to me once when i had blue hair. i got arrested for vandalism, and while being interrogated a random cop comes up and says "why the hell did you dye your hair blue? why couldnt you pick something nice, like a natural red?" i was fuming, but couldnt really do anything about it. oh well.

so what? forget that bitch of a father. blue hair rocks (;

That's ridiculous. Dying your hair unnatural colors is fun! I've done blue, bright red (think Axel from Kingdom Hearts), I accidentally had purple in there... It's not "drugs" because I don't do any. He's just a jerk.

if you think guys like weird colored hair. well..... no. unless you're a guy. then, you're still a douche and girls don't like it, or at least the ones that matter.

3timesthefun 0

Eww. Haha but I guess if it can work for Marge Simpson, it can work for anyone.

#142/kk3211: Who are you to decide which people "matter" and which people don't? Maybe your natural way of dressing is too mainstream and conforming. THAT can get boring to look at every day.

jealous. ive been trying to dye my hair blue for the longest time and it just wont stick.