By bluehairedfreakgirl - 01/06/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, I was walking down the sidewalk and heard a little girl ask her dad why I had blue hair. He said, "Sometimes drugs will make people do stupid things." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 504
You deserved it 38 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, the dad's an idiot. Nothing at all wrong with blue hair. Crayon coloured hair =/= Drug user

Thats ****** up. I have green hair and I dont do drugs.


To #3: Hahahaha.....yet! One time long ago when people had brains and knew how to use them, the world was a wonderful place, for the people using you need me explain any further as to why the world is not so wonderful for you? Didn't think so.

******* prick why do you have blue hair

limeade 0

YDI for having unnatural colored hair. If you want to be different, do it in your personality, not some "look at me!!!!" haircolor. Also, let me guess, you probably had black pants and a tshirt with safety pins and an anarchy symbol.

So he was right? Either that, or you're some punk rock freak with millions of piercings whom no one would ever find attractive anyways. Unless you had one of those little blue arthritis extensions. In which case, FYL. But since that's so unlikely, I'm going to say YDI.

I've had purple hair, blue hair, pink hair, green hair - you know, the works. I've never even touched cigarettes let alone hard drugs, and if I were to have heard that I would have turned around and said, "Excuse me sir, but I don't do drugs. In fact, I've never once done drugs in my life. I would like an apology, and if your daughter is curious as to why my hair is this color, why not let ME tell her, since I'm the one that knows."

treli1593 0

I would've gone up to him and asked him what he said again

@#120, and he would have repeated himself. Anyone with blue hair is trying too hard to get some attention

#118. youre an ass. you dont have to be covered in piercings to have colored hair. you dont have to be a punk. youre as full of shit as the father in the FML. you dont even know what the OP looks like; who the hell are you to say who is attractive and who isnt? #123. thank you, youre awesome. =]

riotgrrl 0

It's great that he's teaching he daughter to be an ignorant ****. FYL