By bluehairedfreakgirl - 01/06/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, I was walking down the sidewalk and heard a little girl ask her dad why I had blue hair. He said, "Sometimes drugs will make people do stupid things." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 504
You deserved it 38 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, the dad's an idiot. Nothing at all wrong with blue hair. Crayon coloured hair =/= Drug user

Thats ****** up. I have green hair and I dont do drugs.


ihearnoises 0

YDI because you probably looked trashy and you won't be taken seriously by anyone

UGADawg08 1

Haha, you deserved it. Stop being a druggie freak.

I have blue hair. :D All the old people in town love it for some reason.

Dying your hair a weird color is an attempt to get attention. Congrats, you got it.

shadow_skater_fml 0

theres nothing wrong with blue hair!

well is that the case? are u on drugs??

Misstake_13 0

oh the joys of being stereo-typed. sorry doll. it happens.

ha, that's wack, my hair's blue right now, and the worst feedback I got was from a 78 yr old lady calling me "demon hair"