By Polmkk - 14/02/2019 15:00 - United States

Today, I was walking along a crowded pier when I stopped to read a sign next to an oddly placed bush. Not even two seconds later, a man popped out of the bush and made me wet myself. People were filming it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 700
You deserved it 5 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stylin_Since_97 10

Welcome to San Francisco, California! His name is the Bush Man. Its the most mediocre yet the smartest money scam i have ever seen a hobo come up with. How odd. Mind Blown 0.o


LOLOL. Yeah it's pretty funny watching an oddly placed bush move.

BreezyB16 1

LOL! My family and I used to sit on the other side every weekend just watching people jump in to the road screaming!

ac1997 0

was it in San Francisco? if so, last year me and my family went and when he scared us my mom screamed and cussed him out.

ibphizznout 0

I have been there and seen the homeless man do that to people. even filmed the people he startled. it's hilarious! I'm sorry u peed yourself tho. it is a creative way to get money rather than begging!

thunderniron 22

The bushman strikes again. I love that guy.

bigcrazymike 6

Yay for Bush Man! That guy is awesome!

Sounds what a homeless guy does on Fishers Wharf in San Fran.

you were in san francisco and met the scare bum lol lol lol

I love the bush man!!! Good ol San Francisco:) i have pics and videos of him too!

cuddlebunny3548 11

What could that sign had possibly said? A hobo wrote it!!