By Polmkk - 14/02/2019 15:00 - United States

Today, I was walking along a crowded pier when I stopped to read a sign next to an oddly placed bush. Not even two seconds later, a man popped out of the bush and made me wet myself. People were filming it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 700
You deserved it 5 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stylin_Since_97 10

Welcome to San Francisco, California! His name is the Bush Man. Its the most mediocre yet the smartest money scam i have ever seen a hobo come up with. How odd. Mind Blown 0.o


I have seen this.. That guy is funny as

perdix 29

Where's an oddly-placed bush? In her cleavage or behind her knees? So, the guy jumped out of one bush to make you wet yours?

almathis1994 6

This sounds like a load of bush...

that's the bush man in San Francisco, I saw him but he didn't surprise me, still pretty weird.

iAbored 0

Ahh yes, Bushman. Of the famed pier 39, Seen him scare so many people, and freak them out. Only in SF! Love living in the city!

iAbored 0

and has anyone seen Bucketman from downtown San Francisco, he's really entertaining to see.

if ir in sanfrancisco then i know how u feel

dpricenator 1

This guy is awesome, Best bum scam yet

The bush man! san fransisco, california! its so funny there! same thing happend to me!