By yes, yes it does :( - 30/04/2014 21:11 - United States

Today, I was waiting on a Canadian tourist at work, and he bought some of the most expensive stuff on the menu. I was excited about maybe getting a big tip, so I casually said that in the USA, waiters make most of our money off tips. The guy just snorted, "Sucks to be American, eh?!" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 148
You deserved it 30 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's basically asking for a tip. What a way to treat customers.

toxic_walrus 15

You were fishing for it but he was being a dick. I voted both.


itschels22 6

I see both sides to this..

Sorry dude. Canadians are not British and we tip VERY WELL. Learn who your customers are.

Canada isn't the ******* North Pole it's not that different from America Jesus people

Uh yeah, dude? Canadians aren't retarded. He knew you were fishing for it which is why he didn't give you one. But thanks for thinking us Canadians are inferior!

conaidws 7

In most other countries servers actually make a living wage, tips are a courtesy, and not their way of making it. They may not have known, but it's also not your job to ask for it either.

#126 It's Canada, not a third-world country where people don't know what American culture is like..

conaidws 7

I was speaking of other countries in general. Servers in Europe actually make a regular wage , as opposed to having to count on tips. Just because they are from Canada it doesn't mean they know. It's purple like you that Ass..ume.

I would have left a tip, but w/ much less consideration of the amount for your service. How can you possibly think the result was due to someone's heritage or culture--anything other than your "gauche?"

Your life sucks, you came across the second worst Canadian ever.

But...Canada is part of America.....the stupidity, it hurts.

If you looked under the FML itself, you'll see that it says United States and the fact that the customer says 'Sucks to be American' clearly states that they are from USA, and not Brazil or Canada,

I was at a chinese restaurant and the waitress asked for a tip so I didn't give one. I paid by debit and she noticed there was no tip so she pointed out that didn't tip. I said "I know" and left. Maybe it was cultural but this was in Canada. I was offended.

dave20012 15

This exact same thing happened to me..Chinese restaurant waitress asked fora tip but I wasn't giving due to the rudeness when I ordered..I paid debit and while I was waiting she'd tapped a switch and it declined so I tried again declined again 3 rd time i typed $1.00 an it approved m..while waiting for my friend the same thing happened ha ha ha ha..I assume the switch she hit twice before ha disconnected the interac machine

dave20012 15

Wow what an asshole for doing that to you. But at the same time it was pretty rude to ask for a tip..I mean id tip anyway just that if it seemed as if you were asking I'd just give less.