By kysier - 01/03/2015 23:36 - United States - Campbellsville

Today, I was turned down from the dream job that I was promised two years ago, once my chemo and radiation therapy was finished. His excuse? He never actually expected me to survive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 417
You deserved it 2 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an extraordinarily awful person. You deserve so much better than that.


Oh my god. What a ******* ass. I'm so sorry, OP. I hope you get another job doing what you love!

1dvs_bstd 41

Imagine someone like that being your boss, OP. Everything happens for a reason, **** him and **** his job.

I assumed he was already his boss and that this was a promotion or relocation to a different division. I could totally be wrong, but there is a chance that he is already op's boss.

I'm not sure, but wouldn't this be some sort of verbal contract? I don't think they hold much weight but a lawyer may be able to make it hold. Op could at least talk to a lawyer and see what they thought (if he wanted to deal with all that).

JustinJK 21

oral contracts are valid, especially with a witness.

Good thing you proved him wrong. :)

roys1girl 18

That's one of the most heartless things to ever say to anyone!

Sorry to hear that OP, and congrats on beating cancer. Just playing devil's advocate here though, perhaps the position has been filled by another qualified candidate while you were dealing with your health issues? Request the company retain your resume on file, and follow up regularly. In the meantime, look around. There are other dream jobs out there.

blissfully_me 16

His loss, your gain hun. You have been through so much, you're better off not working for someone as horrible as that. Karma will get him.

bass_ftp 12

This is probably not going to be popular, but I'd like to say something different than 'what a terrible person'. Maybe it's not nice what he did, but he did give you something to look forward to for years, if it really was your dream job it was something to fight for. Should he really have said 'no you're not suitable' from the start?

amberv61 22

Yes he should have told op that job was not for them because that is the professional thing to do. Do not offer a job to anyone if you have no intentions of actually letting them have that job

OP was already fighting for their life. I don't think there would be room to fight for your dream job while going through crazy treatments.

bass_ftp 12

Obviously it was not about fighting for his dream job itself but fighting for his life and having just a bit more to look forward to.

what a prick...people can be so awful, and what is worse is how indifferent they are about it.