By Maggie123 - 14/09/2009 05:07 - Canada

Today, I was taking my morning pills. There had been a lot of fruit flies in my house lately. I grabbed a cup of water beside to sink to wash the pills down. As soon as I tasted the drink, I realized it was vinegar and dish soap used to trap the flies. I washed my pills down with dead flies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 279
You deserved it 27 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who chugs a random glass of water lying on their sink in the first place? Gross.

I want to say you deserve it for not paying attention, but I don't think anyone really TRULY deserves to gulp that down, unknowingly or not.


sublime93 0

You totally deserved it, why pick up a random cup and drink it? Nasty

You washed your pills down with dead flies... and vinegar and dish soap. Don't forget those two. They seal the deal!

You're getting fruit flies in Canada too? They just started coming out here, those things are so disgusting and annoying. FYL.

zombie_pie 0

you're going to have diarrhea later.

I read this as "morning after pills" at first

Should have left a cup of honey out instead. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Would have tasted better too.

Christina21 2

Thats what you get, if u didnt put the cup there, why drink out of it. and u didnt even bother to look inside of the cup

iloveblackshirt6 0

well at least you got the pills down and didnt barf them up...right?