By imafrickenidiot - 08/03/2010 08:33 - France

Today, I was supposed to talk to my girlfriend's mom to ask permission to date her daughter but I chickened out. We've been together for almost a year, but have not been on a real date because I am too damn scared of her family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 959
You deserved it 46 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

you have to ask their parents to date someone?


maybe you oughta have your mom ask her mom. ha! yeah.. be a man. this is 2010. how many guys still ask the girl's parents for permission? even if they scare you, I feel damn sure they'd respect you for asking.

RRC_fml 0
jonnyboy69 0

have fun with the insurance ....that's just one reason alone I let no one drive my car

jonnyboy69 0
boatkicker 4

Why are you the one asking anyways? You ask permission if you want to marry her. She asks permission for anything less serious than that. They're her parents...... And you know what? If you ever decide to get married, don't ask permission. Ask for their blessing instead.

subcultured 0
tbonea1990 0

DON'T BE A ******* PUSSY. I will be surprised if you are the girlfriend in your relationship and your boyfriend is ******* your pussy b/c U HAVE NO BALLS!!!!!!!!!