By imafrickenidiot - 08/03/2010 08:33 - France

Today, I was supposed to talk to my girlfriend's mom to ask permission to date her daughter but I chickened out. We've been together for almost a year, but have not been on a real date because I am too damn scared of her family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 959
You deserved it 46 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

you have to ask their parents to date someone?


Shouldn't your girlfriend be the one to mention to her parents that she has a boyfriend? And while the gesture is nice if you're asking the parent's blessing to marry the girl, who asks permission just to date?

I am in the exact same situation as u dateing girl 4 a year but can't date her but my gf's mom is crazy and that's y I can't date her.

i agree w/ ur name.... U ARE a frickin idiot Ditto on the MAN UP!!!

Kb_2526 0

Omg! Ha, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 months. Only went on 2 dates. I'm scared of his mom; I get really nervous, quiet, and shake when I'm around her. But Ive been around her like 4 times. So I kinda know how you feel.

quit being a little bitch. you shouldn't have to put an fml up about being scared of your girlfriends family. pussy

that's not even dating. thats like two 11 year olds on a playground. grow some man balls & ask her out.

Just do it man, if the family says something just take it.

kind of the same problem here! I really messed up tho with her! just do it!