By adieuvelib - 15/10/2011 01:53 - France

Today, I was struggling to cycle up a steep hill. A guy heading past me on a scooter said I'd lost something. I stopped and looked back. Seeing nothing, I asked him what I lost. He replied, "Your momentum!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 191
You deserved it 5 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

You did drop something. Your virginity. I'll pick it up for you though. Mmmmmmhmmmmm


FYLDeep 25

At least you're getting exercise unlike scooter dude.

Whoa man! Leave that comment to quagmire! Giggity giggity goo!!!

Haha! I wish I could 'like' this FML Facebook-style.

lebronsucks 3
Music_Goddess 0

Oh come on now that was just plain funny!!!! lmao!

Did he have a blue lab coat and a bow tie?

perdix 29

The jock gets pwn'd by the physics nerd. Just go take some steroids and you'll be able to climb that hill like Lance Armstrong. Lance Armstrong on steroids, that is. (Because he never juiced.)

HomelessMuslim 0

Steroids increase strength and burst performance, they do real bad things for endurance, if he took steriods he would suffocate from lack of oxygen half way up the hill lol

That's hilarious! Pssh, nerds these days. Bahaha!

Darklord53 0
94yhy 8

Internet memes are usually GIFs and do not have spaces in the filename. umadbro?

Darklord53 0

Btw I leave my memes as jpg and use spaces while naming