By adieuvelib - 15/10/2011 01:53 - France

Today, I was struggling to cycle up a steep hill. A guy heading past me on a scooter said I'd lost something. I stopped and looked back. Seeing nothing, I asked him what I lost. He replied, "Your momentum!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 191
You deserved it 5 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

You did drop something. Your virginity. I'll pick it up for you though. Mmmmmmhmmmmm


BloodyDraven 0

just to piss off all the hippies, I'm gonna say that id have done the same thing, except I wouldnt be on a scooter, id be driving my 98 Ford explorer with a 5liter V8 engine in it, and I'd speed off hella fast...and maybe come back around again just to point and laugh

durbins95 0

This is the funniest thing I've ever heard!! Hahahah

colafizz1 6
texas_redneck88 10

Hmm....last time I checked, the letter "F" isn't a vowel so there is no use for "an" it should of been "a" instead. You only use "an" if the word after it starts w/ a vowel.

tina1213 0

Wow hes a dick !!!! Big time !!!!

you should push him off his scooter and say "you just lost your scooter"

zembof 3

If he said it in a joking Manner than he's not a jerk even then it was a really clever joke u can not deny this just think of it as funny ik I would have laughed just get on with it