By ITguy1982 - 28/05/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was shaving my balls with a blade razor because my electric trimmer had died and I had a big date with the girl of my dreams. I moved too quickly and accidentally knicked a vein in my scrotum. I had to hold gauze over my balls until the paramedics arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 635
You deserved it 60 583

ITguy1982 tells us more.

ITguy1982 0

Just got back from the hospital. Needed 8 stitches to close everything back up again. I had to postpone the date. Hopefully she'll be willing to wait a few weeks for me to heal up. I now have to put my sack in a plastic zip lock bag when I take a shower in order to prevent the area from getting wet.

Top comments

OMG.... that sucks! FYL for getting cut, but also YDI because... why would you shave your balls, and on a first date??

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA You should know to be careful when you shave down there. THEY ARE YOUR ******* BALLS MAN!! YDI for being a fool.


This_Guy 0

You should never hold anything sharp near your balls. I only hope this taught you a lesson before you do anything as stupid as this ever again. Also FYL. (still cringing in pain from reading this)

****.......YDI for not being extra careful

patray_angel 0

I bet that does hurt like hell and I would like to say FYL........BUT you were doing this for a 1st date, so YDI.

Lather first... or did u, and u just suck at shaving ur balls

azfault 0

Why are you shaving our balls. You're an idiot. You deserve that one.

britches 0

Are you stupid? Survey says....yes YDI.

Why are people so surprised by a guy who shaves his balls? Personally, I don't *like* having hair down there.

Um, you shaved your balls for a first date? I know of disastrous shaving accidents, but wow. At least you didn't pass out.

yikes. it's the thought that counts though lmfao