By yodada - 10/03/2009 23:03 - United States

Today, I was pulled over because I looked like a possible suspect for a robbery. While searching me, the police's radio went off and the person on the other line said, "Possible suspect, 5'5", thin" - the officer stopped right then and murmured, "too short and fat" and walked back to his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 518
You deserved it 4 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...wouldn't not being a suspect in a robbery be a GOOD thing?


greatnt249 0

#30, life is upsetting; deal with it. In the end, the OP didn't get arrested; that's not an FML...that's a "Thank God I don't have to deal with this s**t anymore." That, and how the hell does the OP's gender even make a difference?

redranger_fml 0

%32, "life is upsetting; deal with it" ? Then what's the point of this website? And gender, theoretically, has a GREAT deal in how someone reacts to comments about him/herself. Your comment proves your ignorance. Unless you're gay, then I guess I can forgive you.

greatnt249 0

"And gender, theoretically, has a GREAT deal in how someone reacts to comments about him/herself." Really, who is the ignorant one here? Is there some genetic influence I don't know about that says females should grossly overreact to being called chubby and men shouldn't? If so, show me the study; I'd like to read it. That being said #33, you seem to implying that this is worth filing a report with the police if the OP was a girl but not a guy. Sounds like a ridiculous double-standard to me. By the way, posting here is a more appropriate way of dealing with this situation than filing a report with the police or suing the county over blunt words; that was the point I was trying to make.

kandy_fml 0

To the sender. That sucks. But when you're dealing with a cop who is trying to find a robbery suspect, the last thing on his mind is hurting someone's feelings. And to the people who said the sender should sue, obviously have no grasp on reality. You can't just sue someone because they hurt your feelings.

kandy_fml 0

Oh, and #34. Calm down. I think 33 was just trying to say that women, in general are more self conscious about their weight and how tall/short they are then men are. Which would mean a woman posting this story on here would make a bit more sense. There was really no need to call anyone ignorant.

Almost everyone in America is fat. I'm not, but it's not like you're one in a million.

wow 37 way to mention your own body to a person that clearly has a problem with theirs...I'm gonna go ahead and assume that you're just a self-centered bitch.

GloomySkyz 0

"Today, I had robbed a bank, And had almost got away with it. Another guy looked just like me, Only shorter and fatter. I was caught. FML"