By yodada - 10/03/2009 23:03 - United States

Today, I was pulled over because I looked like a possible suspect for a robbery. While searching me, the police's radio went off and the person on the other line said, "Possible suspect, 5'5", thin" - the officer stopped right then and murmured, "too short and fat" and walked back to his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 518
You deserved it 4 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...wouldn't not being a suspect in a robbery be a GOOD thing?


zidane312 0

man, I love listening on on the cops when they pull me over but jeez. I might not listen next time lol

#16--Right on. But that has NOTHING to do with the FML.

Yes, I'd rather be confused for a robbery suspect than be shorter and heavier than the actual suspect. where is the eye rolly emoticon when you need it.

@16 - Im guessing a lot of these people on here are on the younger side. A lot of them say "report it" or "sue" whenever something bothers them. They havent LIVED in the real world yet where you learn a) reporting things doesn't do anything but help your hurt feelings... and at one point you need to grow up and not take things personally anyway and b) sueing is SUPER expensive and 9times outta 10 NOT worth it. Especially for most of the stuff on here! Sigh #17 - 16 is right dude. So effing what - this person was heavier than the suspect. 16 is DEAD ON about ho0w society is teaching our kids that its not ok to look different. There are so many conflicting stereotypes out there that kids have to battle. Somewhere the line between being a healthy individual and being skinny got crossed. So now there are two types of kids out there. The ones that are heavily obese and the ones that will have eating disorders in the future. (I know, generalization, making it to make a point)

life_is_a_hooker 0

Dude, I would SO go file a complaint with his department...

Oh no that's awful. You should probably sue the police dept. Sure it was a bit rude but shit happens. If you are uncomfortable enough with your weight that when someone says you're fat it bothers you, you should do something about it. As for the heighth issue, embrace it, no one can help how tall they are so live with what you've got dude.

@27 You can't sue someone for saying sonething you didn't like. And when the cops are in the middle of looking for a robbery suspect, it takes away even more of your credibility. And you're right, if you are overweight and uncomfortable you shoul deat better and work out. What is WITH everyone here and saying sue sue sue over everything they disagree with? Lawsuits are meant to protect your rights and safety, not earn you a quick buck and a slightly inflated ego. Again, suing someone is EXPENSIVE. Lawyers fees, court fees, paying the other guys fees if you lose. Do you REALLY REALLY REALLY think a judge is going to side with a plaintiff when the accused was a cop who was only saying they didnt fit the description?

redranger_fml 0

#19 is SO right on. To get pulled over and searched PLUS being called short and fat - I don't know about you, but I think I would be pretty upset. #27, I don't know anyone that is comfortable with being called "too fat" or "too short." I'm sure even the tallest and skinniest of people are self-conscious. Only someone deaf or with a super huge ego can be called anything derogatory and still be comfortable with it. Plus, what if the author is a girl? Seriously.

wrestler_fml 0

To EVERYBODY ON HERE: Yeah, that was rude, and it's definitely a blower. I'm kinda short too. But weight can be solved through exercise. As for the comment, when a robbery takes place and they are searching for the suspect, an officer DOES NOT HAVE TIME for pleasantries! He has to get back in his car and hurry up to look for the suspect. Would you rather that robber kill 3 other people because the cop was too busy apologizing to you, instead of chasing him down? Huh? Exactly. Don't be selfish! If you want to stop being fat, then do so. Don't get offended if a person who dedicates themselves to the law doesn't have time to apologize for your OWN mistake!